Places To Age
Bringing Assisted Living Options to our Community
Places to Age
Bringing Assisted Living Options to our Community
For more detailed information please go to the Places to Age web page.
Everyone in our community has one thing in common: we are all aging. 27.7% of Chaffee County consists of people 65+. That is currently over 5,400 people. This is much larger than the state average of 15%. There are multiple reasons for this, chief among them is that Chaffee is a great place to live and retire.
The reality is that the population of 65+ in our county will continue to grow. The Colorado State Demographer indicates that there will be 8,000 65+ individuals in Chaffee County by 2050.
Chaffee currently has no continuum of care (in particular, no assisted living nor memory care) to serve this large and growing population. Places to Age is a 501c3 organization committed to solving this problem.
Our Phase I goal is to bring an Assisted Living facility with a Memory Care unit to our county. We have achieved many interim goals in the last year to make this happen:
Annexation and R-3 zoning of land which is 1.3 miles from HRRMC between CR
120 and CR 140 – 10 acres of which will be conveyed to Places to Age from the Treat Family
MOU with the City of Salida
We received a $75K grant from Next50
We received a $15K grant from El Pomar
We have hired industry experts to help us with this project - WellAge
We need your support
Donate, volunteer, lend your expertise, time and treasure to make this goal reality.
your help and support is needed now.
Bottomline, we need community support in every form, from donations and in-kind services to writing letters and grants to move this goal to completion.
Currently, all the funds you donate will go to site planning and architectural design of a facility.
For more information Contact us at, 719.209.7118
Currently, all the funds you donate will go to site planning and architectural design of a facility.
For more information
For more information Contact us at, 719.209.7118