Promissory Program

CCCF offers a low interest loan program for organizations who are facing budget shortfalls and risk reducing programming or services. The loan program is designed for Chaffee serving organizations who have a defined funding source to repay the loan.


  • Step 1: Candidates meet with a staff member to go over the program.

    • Contact us at to inquire about your eligibility for the program.

    • During the meeting we will review the program, criteria and your situation to see if the program is a good fit for you.

    • Candidates in need of an amount within the available funds may be invited to apply by Staff.

  • Step 2: Candidates complete an application that outlines the following questions: 

    • Organizations interested in applying must be invited to apply by a staff member. Uninvited applications will not be considered. Please note the application and review period will take up to two months.

    • Why does the organization need the loan? (What factors led to lack of cash flow, what other sources of revenue have you explored, is this to cover a new expense or to maintain existing programs)

    • How much are you applying for? 

    • What repayment schedule will work for you? (i.e. 6 months, 1 year, etc.)

    • Describe where the source of the funds to cover repayment.

    • What is the contingency plan if the funds for repayment do not come through? (i.e. seek other sources, extend loan life and make monthly payments, etc.)

    • What debt or accounts payable is the organization carrying?  

  • Step 3: Staff Review - Score the application

    • The Staff Review will score the application based on the following criteria. The criteria is made available to applicants to help you determine if this is a good fit for your financial situation.

    • Why does the organization need the loan? (Will the loan help maintain a critical service in the community or prevent closure of a community agency, does the organization have other options? 0-5 pts)

    • How much are you applying for? (Under $25K - 5 pts, $25K-$50K - 2-4 pts, $50K+ 1 pt)

    • What repayment schedule will work for you? (i.e. 6 months, 1 year, etc.) (3-6 months - 5 pts, 6-12 months - 3-4 pts, longer than a year - 1-2 pt)

    • Describe where the funds to cover repayment will be coming from? (Committed source: Reimbursable grant, scheduled disbursement, etc. 4-5 pts, Expected Source: donor pledge, annual event 1-3 pts, Insecure Source: first time event, uncommitted grants, unknown 0 pts)

    • What is the contingency plan if the funds for repayment do not come through? (i.e. seek other sources, extend loan life and make monthly payments, etc.) (0-5 pts based on risk level of contingency plan

    • What debt or accounts payable is the organization carrying?  (No Debt 5 pts, standard debt/payables less than 20% operating budget - 2-4 pts, significant debt/payables 0-1 pts)

  • Step 4: Finance Committee Review - Vote on the application for approval

    • The Finance Committee has the authority to approve a loan for any applicant that scores a minimum of 2 pts on any question and a total score of 22 points or more.

    • Interest to be set by Finance Committee to recoup staff management time and lost interest from current checking account rate.

  • Step 5: Full Board Approval

    • If the Finance Committee recommends for approval any application scoring less than 2 pts on any question or total score 21 points or less, the full Board is required to vote to approve the loan.